New Group. new Sound.

Click the cover art above to stream our Debut Album “ATTW3/ And Then There Was Three..” Now!!!

Music that moves you

Who’s the best performer you ever witnessed? Did their energy spark something inside? Did the bass of the instrumental cause your body to dance uncontrollably? Our music will move you.

Highlighted Artist Of The Month

Audio Block
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More than Music

14 Mafia does more than create great music! Over time they’ve won honorary awards for their activism in global policy changes, appeared in their first film named “Levi” in 2023 & are very hands-on in their community!

A section divider designed to look like a paint swipe


A section divider designed to look like a paint stroke

Men of the mafia

Every Mafia has its family. Ours includes TayDaMessiah, The Brain; Chip DMA, The Creative; and Whou, The Communication!